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Improvement of Reliability of Pumps by Condition Monitoring Consequences

Improvement of Reliability of Pumps by Condition Monitoring Consequences

An   effective   pump
Condition   Monitoring   System(CMS) should   be   capable   of monitoring  the  operating  conditions  of  pumps,  issue  advance  warnings  of  possible faults  and  predict  the  residual  life  span  of critical  machine  components,  prior  to  final breakdown. In  order  to  be  successful, the CMSmust  be  based  on  an  in-depth  knowledge  of  the operational process, permitting the identification of critical duties and machines. A  combination  of process  data  and  conditions of  machine components, resulting from an  adequate  amount  of  operating  hours, represents  the fundamental  requirement. Hence, the  CMS  must  include  the  ability  to  collect  and  store  process  data  as  well  as pump operational data. On  board  sensors should feed  process  data  (such  as  fluid  temperature,  flow  and pressure,  etc)  and  mechanical  data  (vibration  levels,  bearing  temperatures  etc.)  to  a higher  level  system  of  analysis  and  interpretation. This system of analysis must be capable of an early detection of the existence of faults and give indications of possible causes, with reference to historical data.

The BPMA provides a quarterly update of Standards and Legislationactivity relative to the industry for members. Members who would like a full copy of the above should contact s.smith@bpma.org.uk

If you are interested in finding out more about the BPMA  and to see if membership is right for you contact s.smith@bpma.org.uk to discuss your suitability in more detail.

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